Chinese Medicine is an ancient philosphy of understanding the human body. Developed over 2000 years, it provides intriguing insights into human behaviour and why we do what we do!
Acupressure is one of the tools of Chinese Medicine where pressure is applied to a point (or points) along a meridian. Meridians are energy lines on and within the body, and also form a part of Chinese Medicine practice. The meridians and points are the same as those used for acupuncture - but instead of using needles, we use our fingers and thumbs to apply gentle pressure.
When you combine acupressure with meditation, you bring awareness to the point and the qualities it represents within you. Holding a point during meditation can deeply enhance your meditation, taking you to a place of stillness, focus, and clarity.
This meditation course aims to teach you about twelve acupoints you can use as part of your meditation practise, while taking you on a journey of personal reflection.